Thursday, September 28, 2006

4 Generations


Four Generations of family from left to right; My Grandfather, My Father, My Nephew and Me.

Today amongst the madness and insane demands of an egotistical jobs-worth at UH a moment of clarity came. I got the news that my grandfather had died. Suddenly the troubles at work, the petty arguments and silly grudges all melted away into insignificance. Like some one pressed the pause button on the rest of my life. It is a cliché, but life is short, we only have what we make during our limited time on this ball of rock. Family, friends, loved ones and legacies. So whilst there are people out there in the world who may value their ability to bully and order others into doing something pointless because they are to ignorant and proud to realise - they are wrong. Those people will not gain anything, they will become eaten up with bitterness and miss the whole point of what we are here for! They are the losers at the game of life. That's it - a game, we all have roles to play and I think I have a fairly good tactic. I say think, I don't know, but it feels right... I love life, who I share it with and what it has to offer me. I welcome experiences - good and bad, they all teach you somthing about you and about life. I also, try to suround myself with good people - all of them different in thier ways, sometimes they can pester me, other times they can make me laugh till it hurts, most of them I would do anything for - but ALL of them are genuine and good people. ...and at times like this, when you are at you most hurt & needy - good people are always there for you. Somthing my Grandpa always used to say.

Take some time to talk to someone today - some one in your family, an old friend, maybe someone you have fallen out with. Because it's never to soon or to often to tell someone how much they mean to you.

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